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Take a look at upcoming literary content from Skyward Books.
don't retire-refire
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Don't Retire-Refire discusses the life and stages of retirement through your senior years. Sheila White helps you to find your moments of clarity as you harness the power of purpose during these years, raising your energy to a higher level as you tune in, tap in and turn up the volume of vibrational frequency of thought and belief in yourself.
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bonded with jesus: the relationship that matters most of all
After reading Bonded with Jesus, readers will feel and understand that being a Christian means being attached to Jesus Christ - the Son of God, our great High Priest, King of kings, Lord of lords, the great Creator of heaven and earth - for themselves - an attachment that yields eternal life with Him, enabling us to love God with our whole heart and being, and to love our fellow human beings as we love ourselves.
discovering your uniqueness: a young person's guide to discovering who you were created to be
Discovering Your Uniqueness discusses the tales of two worlds, the earthly world intertwined with the spiritual world. Sheila White takes you by the hand and walks with you on a transformation journey to live your best purpose-driven life.
In 2009, author M. Dale Campbell thought he was the healthiest guy around, but after a routine physical examination; he was diagnosed with diabetes. His doctor told him he would never be able to control his blood sugar without drugs, the challenge was on.